child sciences; paedology; areas of child study; child studies; development and upbringing of the child.Abstract
The article focuses on the history of child sciences in Ukraine; the emergence of the paedological movement, which was spread worldwide in the early 20th century world, is demonstrated; the scientific origins of the knowledge about the child are examined and on this basis the approaches that determined the areas of research in this field are characterized. It has been found that the paedology being singled out was caused by two scientific factors: on the one hand, the scientists accumulated psychological and pedagogical experimental knowledge, looking for ways to improve the pedagogical process, methods and techniques of teaching; on the other, the achievements of the natural sciences intensified the study of man in general, which also caused the attention to the childhood period. The early twentieth century was marked by pluralism of opinions, approaches, and areas of study of the child. Specialists in various scientific fields tried to explain the features of the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, and social development, paying special attention to the detection of pathologies. The paedology synthesized all the major scientific studies and achievements related to the development of the child’s personality. The influence of this science on the further development of pedagogy, psychology, and defectology was decisive. It has been proved that the greatest rise of paedology was in the 1920s. Its content was characterized by psychological, anatomical, physiological, biological and sociological approaches to the development of the child. In Ukraine, the essence of child sciences has been expanded thanks to a cultural and historical approach. It is emphasized that the source of modern child sciences (child psychology, peda-gogical psychology, social pedagogy, special pedagogy and psychology, paedeutology, school hygiene, ethnography of childhood, genetic psychology, child psychiatry, psychology of labor and human behavioral biology) was paedology.
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