Western Ukraine; literary process; interdisciplinary approach; educational problems; periodization; writers.Abstract
The article covers the problem of periodization of the literary process in Western Ukraine in the period from the late 18th century to the 1930s in the aspect of the history of pedagogy. It has been proved that the development of the literary process periodization of the studied period in the historical and pedagogical aspect requires a development of a special methodological program of interdisciplinary character, consisting of three main blocks: 1) literary studies; 2) educational and pedagogical; 3) constructing the periodization in the context of the problem under study. Each of these components is described in detail by the authors. It is noted that an analysis of representative research did not reveal a productive experience in the develop-ment of a holistic regional periodization of the literary process in Western Ukraine, but the scholars have deeply studied its individual stages and trends, which creates the basis for the reconstruction of the dynamics of this phenomenon, which was trans-formed and modified under the influence of political regimes and the European and the Dnieper Ukrainian writers. In the context of the problem under investigation, the presented periodisations indicate that the literary process in Western Ukraine in the period from the late 18th century to the 1930s was backed by a significant tradition of national writing and fits in with the overall scheme of its development. In the regional projection, it has its peculiarities caused by the well-known socio-historical and cultural factors, which become even more pronounced in Galicia, Bukovina, Transcarpathia, Volhynia. It is stated that the literary process in Western Ukraine in the period from the late 18th century to the 1930s, determined by various socio-political and cultural factors, was a complex, multidimensional, polystructural phenomenon that makes up a distinct vivid page in the history of Ukrainian culture and literature. Due to the integration of the writers’ powerful intellectual potential, we consider it as a unique productive component of the development of the national pedagogical thought in Ukraine. In the historical pedagogical aspect five major periods of development of the Western Ukrainian literary process can be identified: 1) ecclesiastical educational (mid 1870s ‒ 1820s), divided into two stages: 1772‒1805 and 1806‒1820s.); 2) enlightenment (1830s ‒ first half of 1870’s, divided into two stages, the turning point being 1848); 3) activation of the literary life in the second half of the 1870s ‒ 1914; 4) the war and revolutionary upheavals of 1914‒1919/20; 5) the interwar period of the twentieth century, divided into two stages – the 1920s and the 1930s. Each of these periods has its own features and peculiarities of ideological and artistic character, expressed in the artistic reflections of a wide range of problems of education, upbringing and personality development.
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