

civic education, educational and methodical means, termi-nological dictionary, reference dictionary of civic field terms.


Abstract. The article studies the effectiveness of the organization of the process of youth civic education through educational and methodical means. It is noted that the civic education of young people is carried out through the introduction of the course of civic education in the educational process, the integration of the components of civic education into the content of educa-tional disciplines. It is emphasized that civic education is regarded as an interdisciplinary sphere of an educational institution’s activity, which involves the inclusion of its components in the list of topics of various school subjects and extracurricular activities. The importance of the integration of educational subjects lies in the fact that on their basis young people form synthesis thinking, through which they get comprehensive ideas about the man, the world and their place in it while forming an active civil position. The education of the citizen, above all, involves a young person’s awa-reness, gaining knowledge necessary for competent participation in the socio-political life of their community and country, for civic activities. It is found out that for the purpose of civic education of young people, a considerable number of pedagogical works have been developed: manuals, textbooks, recommendations, curricula of optional courses, scenarios, etc. They present the essence of the civic education of young people, effective forms and methods of raising civic qualities of a young person, the development of individual lessons, educational activities, and methodological recommendations for their implementation. The expediency and peculiarities of the compiling of a terminology dic-tionary are illustrated on the example of a reference dictionary of civic edu-cation terms. It is noted that the reference dictionary is intended for under-standing of a concept-terminology apparatus of the civic field. It contains both the simplest terms and more complex concepts and definitions relating to civic education subjects. The dictionary can be used as an additional educational edition, which complements and deepens the content of social sciences disciplines. Almost all educational fields and subjects of the educational cycle contain the com-ponents of civic education. Proceeding from this, the reference dictionary in-tegrates the knowledge of pedagogy, political science, sociology, social psycho-logy, philosophy, ethnography, ethnology, sociology, law, etc. The reference dictionary of civic education terms contains an interpre-tation of more than 670 terms covering civic field issues. It is intended for pupils and students to better understand the concepts and practical application of civic field terminology in the educational process, and also aims to promo-te scientific research and practical implementation of the principles of youn-ger generation civic education.


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How to Cite

BABKINA М. (2025). YOUTH CIVIC EDUCATION THROUGH EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL MEANS. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (39), 27–39. Retrieved from