

secondary school, grammar-school, reform, education, Uk-rainian language, literature, O. Makarushka.


Abstract. The article highlights the pedagogical views of O. Makarushka on the content of secondary school reforms. His activities on the development and organization of Ukrainian schooling are disclosed. It has been found out that the secondary school should be comprehensive, harmoniously deve-lop the spiritual and bodily needs of youth promoting the increase of youth knowledge, expansion of its outlook, preparation for training in higher edu-cation institutions, formation and career of character, training of skilled per-sonnel for various spheres public life. The curriculum should be designed to prepare the girl for family life, before studying at a high school. The secon-dary school should provide the necessary knowledge, which is needed for every future intelligent person, to educate intellectuals in the captivity of the nation, ready for practical classes, crafts, trade, and husbandry. Teachers be-come a significant factor in the secondary school; their activities are aimed at conducting reforms and preparing young people for life. On the basis of the generalization, it is stated that O. Makarushka in-sisted on returning the grammar-school the character and significance of the school, which aims to prepare students for university studies and other types of institutions of higher education. The scientific and educational material for the grammar-school was so thought-out that young people would receive the necessary formal and material education, forming common human and civil values in their souls. Methodical recommendations for the study of the Ukrainian language and literature, involvement of parents in the study of literary works, reading of books are revealed. Reformed secondary school should take into account gender peculiarities. Children should not just read, but retell, analyze, do conclusions. Children should be encouraged to read books at home slowly and carefully. Therefore, the teacher can offer the children a brief retelling of the contents of the read book, tell about an important event and express their own opinion about it. It is argued that the teacher of native language should nurture folk and universal ideals. Study of literature should form the ability to observe, notice the main thing, and then do conclusions, freely and naturally express their own thoughts.


Макарушка, О. (1927a). В справі гімназій «Рідної Школи». Рідна школа, 1 (4), 8–9.

Макарушка, О. (1927b). До реформи навчання української мови й письменства в ґімназіях. Рідна школа, 1 (4), 7–8.

Макарушка, О. (1930). До реформи середньої школи. Українська школа, 2, 6–16; 3–4, 12–17.

Макарушка, О. (1925a). З товариства «Учительська громада». Українська школа, 2 (1), 55–64.

Макарушка, О. (1925b). Індивідуалізування в навчанні. Українська школа, 1 (32), 3–14.

Макарушка, О. (1927c). Найстарший устав української школи. Рідна школа, 1 (2), 3–4.

Макарушка, О. (1922). Наука виховання: підручник для шкіл і родин. Львів: Друк. Наукового Товариства ім. Шевченка, 155 с.

Макарушка, О. (1927d). Перебудова середньої школи. Українська школа, 13 (2–3), 15–28; 13 (4), 3–14.

Макарушка, О. (1927e). Потреби хвилі. Українська школа, 13 (1), 1–2.

Макарушка, О. (1925c). Прасловянська мова. Поступ, 5 (3–4), 6–7.

Макарушка, О. (1923, Січень 26; 27). Середня освіта дівчат. Громадський вістник, 19, 2–4; 20, 4–5.

Макарушка, О. (1925d). Чужі слова в українські мові. Поступ, 5 (3–4), 37–41.

Хроніка: З товариства «Учительська громада». (1925). Українська школа, 2 (4–6), 76–80.



How to Cite

BODAK, L. (2025). CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF THE REFORMATION OF THE SECONDARY SCHOOL OF THE O. MAKARUSHKA’S PEDAGOGICAL HERITAGE (1867–1931). Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (39), 40–49. Retrieved from