

people with special educational needs, inclusive education, national education system, integration, general school space.


Abstract. The article analyzes contemporary Ukrainian and foreign stu-dies in the field of inclusive education. A review of scientific studies on the education of children with special educational needs was held in Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century. It is noted that it is necessary to pay more attention to foreign experience and build on this basis its own system of al-ternative inclusive education, which in Ukraine should coexist with general and special. It has been found that the basis of inclusive education is the ideology that prevents any discrimination against children, ensures equal treatment for all, but creates special conditions for children with special educational needs. It is noted that inclusive education can support such children in learning and achieving success, which will give them chances and opportunities to improve their lives. The article classifies the scientific and theoretical basis, devoted to the problem of inclusive education in Ukraine and foreign countries according to the institutional criterion and singles out two main groups of scientific works. It is proved that for the successful implementation of inclusive education in the general educational process in Ukraine it is necessary to develop its own model of the introduction of inclusive education taking into account the po-sitive trends of the experience of those countries for which inclusion has be-come an integral part of education.


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How to Cite

BOROKHVINA, T. (2025). THE PROBLEM OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN PEDAGOGICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (39), 50–61. Retrieved from