

tutoring, mentoring, higher education, quality assurance, internationalization.


Abstract. The article analyzes current state of tutoring and mentoring development Higher Educational Establishments of Germany (HEEs), as well as the peculiarities of their development. It is noted that Germany is one of the countries in which tutoring and mentoring functions appropriately almost at all HEEs. The research substantiates the necessity of tutoring and mentoring functioning at every institution of higher education for compliance with world standards and norms in the field of higher education. The article reveals the differences between the implementation of tutoring and mentoring at various HEEs. Today, tutoring and mentoring are necessary elements of higher edu-cation, which is in line with the strategies of internationalization of each HEEs. Increasing academic mobility, transfer of credits and refugees movements are among the key educational areas that require mentoring for students. Despite the successful operation of tutoring and mentoring in German higher educa-tion, there are several differences between HEEs, namely various forms and methods of tutoring and mentoring implementation, the absence or presence of certain departments that regulate these activities, payment for tutoring acti-vities and control of preparation for tutoring and mentoring activities. Accor-dingly, this study introduces the current state of tutoring and mentoring at Ger-man HEEs and the prospects for their developing in the future. Today Germany belongs to a number of European countries with the advanced higher education, successful operation of new educational techno-logies, provided education quality through internationalization and implemen-tation of the necessary reforms. That is why it is extremely important to intro-duce best practices in Ukrainian HEEs. The analysis of tutoring and mentoring at HEEs of Germany has shown that, in modern conditions, it is necessary to provide intermediary and mentoring in the educational process between students and teachers. The study of tutoring and mentoring features in Germany ma-kes it possible to build a model of tutoring and mentoring for the Ukrainian HEEs. The peculiarity of this research is the analysis of the general tutoring and mentoring system at German HEEs as well as deeper consideration of the exact HEEs. The article proves the long history of tutoring and mentoring in Germany. However, the prosperity of tutoring and mentoring belongs to these days. The communicaton problems occurred with refugees at German Univer-sities, the urgent task was to help them to set future goals in their life. Besides, we should take into consideration the unwillingness of some people to agree with the refugees increase. The academic mobility also belongs to the factors which increased the need for tutoring and mentoring in Germany. As one of the successful coun-tries it became of great interest to the students from other European countries. Therefore, Germans started paying more attention to tutoring and mentoring as one of tools for quality acutance at HEEs.


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How to Cite

IVANYTSKA, O. (2025). TENDENCIES OF TUTORING AND MENTORING DEVELOPMENT AT HIGHER EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENTS OF GERMANY. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка», (39), 73–84. Retrieved from http://pedagogy.dspu.in.ua/index.php/pedagogy/article/view/222