health, health status of children and youth, Poland, health education, content of educationAbstract
The article, based on the analysis of official statistical materials and publications of scientists of the Republic of Poland, presents the tendencies of changes in the state of health of children, adolescents and youth in the country. A number of «measures» are used to summarize the approach to assessing the health of children, adolescents and young people. Some information on indicators of physical development and sensory-motor fitness is presented, it is revealed that a characteristic feature of development of modern children and youth is acceleration, which instead is not accompanied by acceleration of psychical (mental) and social maturation. It is noted that the negative trends today are a permanent decrease in the population of 6‒19-year-olds, flexibility, endurance and strength, an increase in their Body Mass Index, which is largely associated with a decrease in physical activity of children, adolescents and youth. It is determined that the health problems that “count” in statistical studies on the health of children, adolescents and young people are available trauma, caries, impaired vision, hearing and movement, musculoskeletal disorders systems. It has been found that various psychosocial disorders have become a constant “measure” of the health of children, adolescents and young people. It was found that statistical studies on the health of children, adolescents and young people show separate data on chronic diseases, among which a special place is given to obesity among the “young” population, and infectious diseases, including AIDS, which tends to increase. A number of so-called “subjective” health indicators (those voiced by young people or their parents/guardians) and indicators of favorable or risky health and life behaviors were analyzed. It is concluded that the best ways to solve the problem of health of children, adolescents and youth, Polish scientists determine the provision of effective preventive care, appropriate implementation of health education, taking into account modern standards of health promotion and improving the quality of educational and preventive programs in secondary school, their coverage of the entire population of school-age persons and, indirectly, their parents. It is noted that data on the current state of health of children, adolescents and youth and trends in its changes are an important basis for constructing the content and technology of health-preserving educational influences in educational institutions.
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