


training workshop; training workshop technologies; lecturer; higher education establishment


The article discusses a topical problem of implementation of training workshop technologies for training university lecturers. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the category “training workshop” is defined. It has established that “training workshop” is a multifaceted concept: it is considered by scholars from different perspectives – legal, economic, social, pedagogical and philosophical. We consider training workshop as a pedagogical learning technology in the process of professional training of university lecturers, as it has a clear algorithm of use and guarantees the achievement of the planned result. Its purpose is to form the program results of students’ learning, organize various activities, shape personal attitude to solving situational problems in professional activities. The types of training workshop, the structure and teaching methods are analyzed. A method of conducting intensive training workshop “Professional competence – the basis of becoming a modern teacher of higher education” for students majoring in 011 “Educational, pedagogical sciences” has been developed, which aims to form general orientations in the field of competence approach and practical skills to successfully solve learning problems and education; to be socially active in society; systematically improve professional culture and pedagogical skills; be ready for a quality evaluation of their work. In the process of intensive training, a system of active learning methods was used, namely: cases, game methods, group discussions, brainstorming, video analysis, etc. A conclusion is drawn that the implementation of training workshop in practical classes helps the teacher to develop students’ professional abilities and skills to be creative, adapted and flexible with new information, capable of professional growth. Therefore, training workshop can be considered a new technology in the educational process that adapts the future teachers to their profession, as it aims at the step-wise implementation of various types of pedagogical innovations which changes the traditional pedagogical process.


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