integration, interdisciplinary connections, educational process, education, pedagogy, conceptsAbstract
A retrospective analysis of the pedagogical heritage of famous figures of the past and modern scientists is carried out according to the periods of the integration problem development. The content aspects of the "integration" concept, psychological and pedagogical foundations, methodical recommendations and features of the practical implementation of integration in the educational process in general at each of the individual stages are defined and summarized. The periods when firstly the meaningful interpretation f the "integration" concept and its acquisition of a self-sufficient meaning were given according to the pedagogical aspect as well as its separation from the "interdisciplinary connections" concept are characterized. The content is revealed, the new direction and practical implementation of interdisciplinary connections during this period is characterized. The accumulated over the centuries acquisition of the theory and practice of interdisciplinary communication is generalized. The results of the research of modern scientists regarding the phenomenon of integration in education, conceptualization of scientific ideas are summarized. In particular, the content aspect, identities and differences of the "integration" and "interdisciplinary connections" concepts are defined. The strategy and tactics of integrated education are highlighted, taking into account the substantive and quantitative (in the context of cognate concepts) multifacetedness of the "integration" concept and examples of its interpretations in the didactic context depending on semantic accents are given. Emphasis is placed on the need to justify the "didactic integration" concept, the definition of theoretical foundations, the creation of conceptual provisions for integrative education in educational institutions of various degrees. Attention is paid to distinguishing the field of scientific knowledge about the essence, regularities and application of integration – integrology and its "narrowed" concept – educational integrology. It is noted that at the current stage, the "pedagogical integration" and "integration in education" concepts are distinguished, еach of which is implemented in various contexts.
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