
  • Larysa ARNAUTOVA



general underdevelopment of speech, word-formation skills, word parts, suffixes.


The word formation is one of the first steps in the development of literate speech. This s а rather complex process that is associated with the development of all spheres of cognitive activity. Proper assimilation of speech makes it possible for children freely communicate with their peers, selfconfidence and in their actions. Without a sufficient cognitive and speech level of development, it is difficult for a child to master the rules of speech and deviations from them, which leads to the fact that the baby begins to create new words incomprehensible to others/ Of particular interest is the study of the problem of mastering word formation in children with General speech underdevelopment (GSU). It is known that these speech development disorders do not allow children with GSU to sufficiently form word formation skills and are characterized by unformed all components of the speech system. The aim of the study is to form the laws of the Ukrainian language in children with general speech underdevelopment, which is the main mechanism for the development of word formation skills. The study was conducted with children aged 4 – 5 years in speech therapy classes. We conducted a survey of the sensory and motor sides of speech, analyzed of the level development word formation skills in children and selected methods of a correctional and developmental program for the formation of word formation skills. Correctional and developmental program for the development of Word formation in preschool children with General speech underdevelopment was carried out on the basis of the use of subject-practical, visual, verbal and game methods. In our work, we identified the following stages of correction: the development of word formation skills based on the material of various parts of speech; the development of skills for the correct reproduction of derived words; the formation of skills for the use of word formation skills in oral speech. In addition, we used methods for developing the understanding of the word parts with which new words are formed. Thanks to the correction of word formation in older preschool children, we were able to enrich and expand not only the passive vocabulary, but also to bring a lot of words from the passive vocabulary to the active one, which ensures the correct use of new words in children's own language. The results of the study showed that preschool children with general speech underdevelopment learned to use word formation skills in practice during various games and dramatizations, began to actively use derived units of the language in their speech, began to understand the morphemic structure of derived words and mastered the system and norm of word formation of the native Ukrainian language quite well.


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