social pedagogue, quality of education, professional training, children with special needs, methodological support.Abstract
The article analyzes the process of training future social pedagogues under martial law. The training process in higher education institutions of Ukraine takes place mostly in a distance format. Some universities are temporarily displaced, but always in search of new forms and methods of learning. The professional activity of specialists in the social sphere is aimed at solving the tasks of social education and social protection. Not all specialists of this profile, in particular social pedagogues, are able to perform their functions at the proper level in wartime. This is reflected in the spiritual state and economic development. Given this time, one of the leading tasks of higher education institutions with specific learning conditions is to optimize the professional training of future specialists of educational institutions, which include social pedagogues. The importance of social work is growing noticeably, the state needs a highly qualified specialist. The growth of social tension in society indicates the need for innovative changes in the social sphere. The importance of this profession suggests the formation of specialists with a sufficiently high level of professional competence for institutions with an inclusive form of education; the organization of the educational process in the newest Ukrainian school should be provided by specialists with a high level of professional training, the leading component of whose activity is competence, mobility and the ability to adapt to the changing conditions of today. One of the urgent problems is the process of professional training of future social teachers. A specialist in the field of social work must successfully solve social problems, be a master of his craft, relying on the skill of communication and cooperation with different categories of the population. Professional training of future social pedagogues in institutions of higher education includes formation of various aspects of communicative, informational, technological interaction.
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