education, psychological and pedagogical support, students, students with special needs.Abstract
Psychological and pedagogical support as a basis of creating safe and useful educational environment of New Ukrainian School is outlined in the article. It contributes to development of every student, with special needs increases motivation of education and self-education. The main condition of successful students with special needs education, development and upbringing is partnership of specialists and children`s families into the educational process. The role of psychological and pedagogical support as a basic for the development of partnership of participant of educational process. The psychological and pedagogical features of the perception of an educational process by students with special needs were studied. The authors use the following research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and qualitative analysis of the experience of implementing of psychological and pedagogical support of education of students with special needs. The main role of educational process for students with special needs are teacher’s assistant. The types of educational activity that contribute to the educational, self-educational skills and self-realization are highlighted. Forms of extracurricular work on education are proposed and their influence on the formation and development of personality is revealed. Psychological and pedagogical support contributes to the development of social and personal competences of students: communication skills, tolerance and the ability of students to self-education. This study allows to conclude that the experience of implementing various models of psychological and pedagogical support of education process provides examples of the implementation of the principle of individualization in the domestic educational process, which can be modified and adapted to the realities of the New Ukrainian school.
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