


family, traditional family, modern family, family roles, family attitudes, leadership, leadership qualities.


The article summarizes the conducted theoretical analysis of scientific psychological works on the distribution of family roles and manifestations of leadership qualities in family relations. According to the results of the analysis, it was established that the phenomenon of leadership has long been considered by researchers as a socio-psychological phenomenon of managerial orientation, that is, it has a social and interpersonal character, since it arises and is realized only in a real social environment (there is no one-person leadership of the "leader by himself" type). It has been established that three main approaches to the interpretation of the essence of leadership in modern conditions have been formed in the psychological literature today: 1) as a type of power; 2) as a management status; 3) as an influence on other people. At the same time, family leadership falls more under the third of the above approaches. The typical features of a traditional family are summarized. It was found that the modern family has significant differences from the traditional one, since the modern conditions of the development of society dictate their conditions for the corresponding transformations in the part of family relations. Typical differences between a modern family and a traditional one are summarized, in particular, in terms of the age at which marriage begins, the main source of family income, the level of education and the equality of partners. The most typical features of the institution of the family have been formed: the transition from the traditional (patriarchal) to the modern egalitarian democratic model of family relations; transition from a multigenerational family to a nuclear family; the transition from families with a household type with a clear division of roles to families with a variable nature of work, where professions that were previously "male" became available to women as well; the transition from the spontaneous birth of children to their planning; loss of stability by the institution of the family (increasing number of divorces), partial loss of its functions; devaluation of certain spiritual and moral, public, universal ideals. Taking into account the critical analysis of the scientific and psychological literature on family psychology, the following psychological factors of manifestations of leadership qualities in family relationships are substantiated: satisfaction with marriage, role expectations, conflict, family attitudes.


Шклярова Т. П. Зміна стереотипів щодо «жіночих» та «чоловічих» ролей у сім’ї та суспільстві. Науко- вий вісник Донбасу. 2010. № 12. URL:

