educational sphere, technologies, artificial intelligence, digital games, gamification, virtual reality, digital pedagogy.Abstract
The modern 21st century education system provides effective educational opportunities and it is designed to place the learner at the center of the system. Accessibility and equity in the education system can be achieved through a digital environment that provides enhanced opportunities for personalized learning. The UN, in the document «Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4», is reffered on countries to «ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all». After analyzing each of the key words in SDG 4, we will understand that the various resources that implement the goals and are necessary to achieve the main goal of lifelong learning are very ambitious and expensive. «Inclusive» involves personalized education of all children, which all teachers consider to be the best way of education. «Equitable» means that all beneficiaries will have access to the same education, regardless of their social, economic and/or geographical position. «Quality» means using the latest results of scientific research to form an effective system of education and training. Last but not least, learning should be seen as a lifelong process. This means that the general goal of the modern educational process is to adapt educational material and tools to a wide age range of learners. Today's education system relies heavily on teachers and conventional tools such as textbooks, standardized curricula, traditional exam-based assessment, and large classrooms. Expanding this list to achieve SDG 4 requires significant investment in the education sector. But there is a cheaper and more effective option – the use of technology. Technologies can and are already changing the educational sphere at all its levels and stages of acquisition and evaluation.
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