diagnostic competence, model, pedagogical modeling, postgraduate education, foreign language teacher of higher educational institution, development, educational and information environment, subject-subject interaction, foreign language training.Abstract
The article is dedicated to substantiating the pedagogical model of development diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers of higher education institutions within the framework of postgraduate education. The approaches of Ukrainian and foreign scholars to defining the concepts of «model» and « modeling » are analyzed. The meaningful content of all elements (goals, tasks, principles, approaches, organizational and pedagogical conditions, content, methods, tools, technologies, organizational forms of teaching, criteria, and indicators of diagnosing the levels of diagnostic competence, results) of the proposed pedagogical model are revealed. These elements are interconnected and interact to create a synergistic relationship necessary for the development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers at higher military educational institutions. The model includes the following four blocks: conceptual, substantive, methodological, diagnostic and resultative. The conceptual block vividly reproduces the purpose and tasks of developing diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers of higher military educational institutions, taking into account knowledge, skills, experience, values, as well as methodological approaches and didactic principles followed during modeling. The substantive block highlights the content of training of foreign language teachers at higher military educational institutions, which is implemented in accordance with the components of their diagnostic competence. The methodological block reflects the stages of the author’s methodology, trajectories of adaptive learning, as well as forms, methods, and tools that ensure gradual, purposeful, systematic, and sequential mastery of the substantive components of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers of higher military educational institutions. The diagnostic and resultative block contains the result of the development of diagnostic competence of foreign language teachers of higher military educational institutions using defined criteria and indicators.
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