traditional face-to-face learning, online learning, mixed learning, academic discipline, student, success rate.Abstract
In connection with the forced work of Ukrainian higher educational institutions in a remote mode, first in the crisis conditions of the pandemic, and then in military operations, all participants in the educational process have accumulated solid experience in the implementation of various learning technologies. Developed approaches need to be understood, qualitatively analyzed and substantiated by the possibilities of improving new forms of education. Of great interest is the relationship between learning outcomes and students' priorities in choosing fulltime traditional, mixed and online learning formats. The article examines the relationship between students' perception of various learning technologies in various academic disciplines and their academic performance. The analysis of the survey results shows that for academic disciplines that are either traditionally difficult for students to master, for example, mathematics, or important for the future profession, the choice of educational format is statistically significantly different for students with different academic achievements. Among the disciplines of the humanities cycle, the academic performance of students is not related to the choice of the model of educational organization. It has been established that successful students consider traditional face-to-face learning to be the best way to learn mathematics. The least attractive for them is online learning, which, on the contrary, is considered optimal for students with low achievements. For disciplines that are related to the following activities, the best students consider a mixed learning format to be optimal. Students with poor academic performance prefer the traditional face-to-face and distance learning format. The obtained results of the empirical research in the future require an analysis of the reasons for the revealed preferences of students, their dependence or independence from academic success. These results can provide guidelines for the design and implementation of educational policy at the university in the post-crisis period.
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