pedagogical culture, methodological training, preschool teacher, professional training.Abstract
The article presents the complete analysis of domestic scientific research on the issues of professional training of future educators in general and methodological training of future preschool teachers in particular. The author has emphasized the importance of methodological training as a significant component of the professional training of future preschool teachers in higher education. A set of professional and personal characteristics of a preschool educator has been determined: the formation of professional and pedagogical culture, methodological competence, and readiness to conduct educational activities in preschool education institutions. The requirements for the professional training of a future preschool teacher have been substantiated: the integrity of the entire training system; ensuring the effective implementation of the future teacher’s main functions; the awareness of the psychological, pedagogical, and professional fields of knowledge; shaping and developing professional skills, personal experience, and gaining general literacy and erudition. Different approaches to defining the concept of "methodological culture" have been suggested, and the most important criteria for assessing the levels of its formation have been identified: technological activity, pedagogical thinking, and professional and functional literacy; the levels of its formation have been indicated: adaptive, reproductive, as well as heuristic and creative. The author has defined the tasks (motivation of future educators to form their methodological competence; formation of future educators’ ability to use professional skills and abilities for the practical solution of the tasks of organizing the educational process in preschool education), the content and structural components (motivational, cognitive, activity, personal, reflective, creative), and principles (activity, determination, scientific, etc.) of methodological training of future preschool teachers have been outlined. The pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of future preschool teachers’ methodological culture in the context of professional training have been suggested.
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