culture of communication, educational translation, professionalism, terminology, system, language norms, specialist.Abstract
In this article, the author draws attention to issues and problems related to the formation of the communicative culture of future specialists during their studies in higher education institutions. Educational communication increases the level of communicative culture of students of higher education, namely: communication with teachers of special and professional disciplines; acquaintance with professional literature; participation in scientific conferences; communication with specialists during practice, etc. But the relevant skills will be formed only when certain conditions and systematic training aimed at the perception and awareness of information are observed, and also during the performance of tasks that require the ability to creatively apply the acquired knowledge. The future specialist, like no one else, must perfectly know and observe all language norms. One of the means of fighting for the purity of language and speech in Ukrainian language classes (for professional orientation) is educational translation. The more students compare different forms and language devices, the more attentive they become to the norms of both languages. Many linguists and teachers have turned to educational translation as one of the forms of improving language literacy. Educational translation is of great importance for students' mastery of all language norms. By translating texts by specialty, our student will be able to orientate himself in professional terminology in his further professional activities. In order to become a highly qualified specialist, you need to be a comprehensively developed personality. This is not just mastery of a certain specialty, but also knowledge of the basics of Ukrainian history, philosophy, jurisprudence and language. The culture of professional communication occupies not the last place in the training of a true professional. Giving teachers the freedom to choose the content of the study makes it possible for them to determine the most interesting and necessary information on the methodology and technique of teaching the educational discipline to future specialists.
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