


hospitality, training of specialists, European experience, tourism industry.


This article states that in the context of the integration of the domestic education system into the European and global educational space, it is expedient to carefully study the available foreign experience in the field of training specialists for the tourism industry, in order to increase the overall level of quality of educational services and ensure the formation of specialists capable of to make economically justified decisions on the management of hotels, restaurants, and travel companies, as well as competently determine their strategy and tactics, develop integration processes in the global and domestic hospitality and tourism industry. The work also determined that the two most popular teaching models of the "science of hospitality" are the American and the Swiss. Educational institutions that have adopted the American model are characterized by a stronger emphasis on management as such, while in the Swiss model, on the contrary, much attention is paid to applied issues. The paper reveals the thesis that employers often prefer graduates of European hotel schools who have completed internships in the best hotels. Diplomas from Swiss institutions, which traditionally guarantee a high level of training, are especially valued – because the Swiss model of education is considered the benchmark for training in the hotel business. The article examines the conditions and essence of training specialists in the field of hospitality on the example of several European educational institutions, such as: Hotel School of Lausanne (Switzerland), Institute of International Hotel Management in Paris (France), Vatel Institute (France). Also, in this work it is determined that a detailed study of foreign models of professional training and their careful selection taking into account national characteristics, especially economic conditions and provision of the material and technical base, would allow domestic institutions of higher education to integrate into the global professional environment and, in the future, become competitive on the world market of educational services.


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