



critical thinking, electronic instruments, Canva, Miro, Word It Out, brainstorming, associative bush, word cloud, author`s chair, Google Docs.


The article focuses on the problem of critical thinking development of higher education students during distance and blended learning using different electronic instruments. It was defined in the process of the scientific and pedagogical literature analysis that critical thinking is an object of attention of domestic and foreign researchers and teachers. The attention is paid to importance of the concept of person`s critical thinking forming, its worldwide recognition and using at all levels of education. Person`s qualities and skills who can think critically are emphasized, they are: readiness to plan, flexibility, determination, readiness to correct mistakes, awareness, positive attitude to critical thinking etc. The algorithm for the development of critical thinking are analyzed: analysis of problematic thoughts, understanding of thoughts, assessment of a thought and criticism of argumentative thoughts. Opportunities of using electronic instruments for critical thinking development of future teachers during teaching professionally oriented subjects are revealed. One of the most famous methods of critical thinking development is an “associative bush”. Its essence consists in the search of associations to a definite concept or a problem according to the principle of brainstorming. Using online-platform named Canva for infographic creation in order to constructing of different garlands of associations is emphasized. A virtual board Miro helps to organize interesting educational work in synchronous mode. You can structure some information, do some brainstorming, develop and complete mind maps. Creating word clouds in Word It Out programme teaches students to classify, to underline definite concepts, to make conclusions. Examples of using a service Google Docs for doing exercise named “author`s chair” with students are given. Great opportunities of electronic instruments for critical thinking development of future teachers are proved.


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