axiology, values, axiosphere, didactic multimodal text.Abstract
The given article analyzes means of representing values, in particular national ones, in the didactic multimodal text as a linguistic-visual phenomenon. It was declared that the world of values is the world of morality, spirituality, culture, everything that is considered as a measure of the spiritual wealth of an individual, community, nation, and world order. It was noted that the paradigm of material values as a set of things and goods that ensure human life is inseparable from spiritual values. The authors of the study conclude that the axiology of the educational field is a specific link within which the range of values of the educational process is distinguished, systematized and ordered, as well as the mechanism and expediency of introducing key axiological aspects of higher education into educational practice in parallel with the formation of the list of competencies outlined in current educational standards. The paper focuses on the concept of the didactic multimodal text, that is defined as a specific polyfunctional verbal-semiotic structure, which is characterized by a special functional orientation. The main purpose of educational multimodal text is didactic. The article substantiates the opinion that the rational structuring and presentation of educational material using multimodal texts contributes to the concise presentation of large volumes of information and its productive perception due to the rapid activation of various cognitive mechanisms that complement and diversify the verbal channel of information delivery. In addition, with its help, the assimilation of the emotional and value component takes place. It is proven that whoever perceives a multimodal text, conceptualizes, categorizes and interprets it, extrapolating to the system of axiological attitudes of society and their own value code. Demonstration of the value paradigm in educational multimodal texts takes place at the lexical level, taking into account all possible word forms and derived words and with the help of a system of iconic means, visualization and graphic elements. The work analyzes the means of representing national values in educational multimodal text.
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