penitentiary pedagogy, education, re-education, convicts, institutions of the penitentiary system.Abstract
The article analyzes the main problems of personality education that are being solved in modern penitentiary pedagogy. It has been proven that under the present conditions, the problem of finding ways to improve the educational process in correctional institutions is actualized, because after their release, former prisoners are not always ready to lead a pro-social lifestyle and adapt to the conditions of modern society. Therefore, the solution of the specified problem relies on penitentiary pedagogy. On the basis of the generalization of scientific sources, the definition of penitentiary pedagogy as a field of pedagogical science which studies the issue of purposeful education of people who have committed criminal offenses and are serving a sentence for their resocialization, its object (the educational system of penal institutions) and subject (specific regularities of a person's upbringing in the process of their correction), as well as the conditions that affect their development, are determined. It has been proven that the core issue of this branch of pedagogical science is the education of imprisoned people. A significant impact of the need to improve the educational process in penal institutions on the development of penitentiary pedagogy is established. It is indicated that the priority issue considered in modern penitentiary pedagogy is the humanization of the educational process. Today, all the tasks of this field of pedagogy are considered through the prism of a humane attitude towards the individual. In particular, it has been proven that in modern penitentiary pedagogy, the conceptual apparatus (education, re-education, correction) has been substantiated through the prism of a humanistic approach, the status of the convict in the educational process has been determined, the specific educational environment in correctional institutions has been modeled, and the specific principles, content and tools of educational activities have been substantiated. It is pointed out that penitentiary pedagogy substantiates the same content and pedagogical toolkit of education as general pedagogy, but its use is extrapolated to specific conditions that cover a special contingent of people on whom educational influence is exerted, different levels of assimilation and manifestation of moral values and instructions, lack of a stable group, as the terms of prison stay are different for each individual, etc.
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