career guidance, career development, career guidance technology, career guidance method, professional self-determination.Abstract
The article updates the problem of the career formation of education seekers, taking into account the change in the conditions of providing educational services, new challenges associated with the state of war in Ukraine, the destruction of urban infrastructure, and significant changes in the labor market. In addition to objective challenges in the career formation of an individual, a subjective problem such as professional burnout of young people is singled out. It is emphasized that in the educational process the role of scientifically based psychological and pedagogical tools is growing, which will help in the conscious, purposeful process of career planning, which is the psychological basis for the self-realization of the individual as a subject of professional activity. The purpose of the study is determined: Elucidation of the essence of career guidance technologies aimed at realizing a certain goal of professional self-determination and career development of education seekers. To realize the purpose of the article, the analysis of the latest research on the outlined topic was carried out, the essence of vocational guidance technologies was revealed. It was determined that career guidance technology appears as a set of methods, techniques, principles and methods of career guidance, based on the methodological arsenal of a personally oriented approach, and meet such requirements as dialogicity, activity-creative nature, focus on supporting individual development, presenting the student with the necessary space of freedom, for making independent decisions, creativity, choosing content and means in professional self-determination and further professional development. The essence of this technology is that it is based on the reflexive-volitional mechanisms of an individual who is self-determined in the profession. The article highlights the content component of career guidance technology – "Activating career guidance method of assistance in the implementation of profile or professional self-determination", developed and tested by the authors of the article. The content of the career guidance method includes a specific goal, content and expected result. The method is based on a person-oriented paradigm and meets the following requirements: dialogicity, scientific argumentation, effectiveness, shortness of time.
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