



higher education, primary school teacher preparation, innovative technologies, historiography, computer technologies, professional education.


The historiography of professional preparation of future primary school teachers in the works of the Ukrainian researchers is reflected in the article. Authors investigate the analysis of historiography of the outlined range of problems in dependence on the conditionally stages which are defined by them. (2000-2016, 2016-2022). This division, as they consider, is necessary, as it presents certain aspects in social and economic life of country. In the articles are used two approaches of studing the problem: chronologic, thematic. It is specially noted that establishments of higher education must provide forming of professionally competent teacher as creative personality, that owns the system of knowledge, complex of abilities and skills, socially active person that is able quickly adaptate to the changes of present time. It should be stressed that the main role in preparation of future specialists plays innovative technologies of studies, as they are directed to form comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality. A special attention is payed to computer-informative technologies, as modern scientists spare most attention exactly to them. Sientists who have researched the innovative technologies in primary school teacher training have focused on various issues related to this topic. As a result of researches the most widespread in innovative pedagogical technologies for preparation of teacher of primary school : structural-logical, integration technologies, electronic courses, professionally-business playing technologies (business and role-play games, imitation exercises, individual training, computer programs and etc.); training facilities, informatively-computer and dialogue-communicative technologies. Authors emphasizes that the beginning of ХХІ of century in a historiography analysis is special because of appearance of scientific views in the context of modern paradigm the process of primary schools teachers preparation is estimated in the context of innovative technologies.


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