


key values of the EU, European higher education space, European integration, future teachers of foreign languages, Bachelor students


The article highlights the issue of reforming modern Ukrainian education through the intensification of international cooperation, development of academic mobility and active use of foreign partners’ experience. The aim of the acticle is to identify the role of European values in the process of improving the quality of future teachers’ training in Ukraine. A comprehensive analysis of the national and foreign research on the popularization of European values has been provided. A general description of the process of implementation of the European Union Erasmus+ program, Jean Monnet Module "Strengthening the EU common values through the policy of multilingualism in the education and training of future teachers" has been presented. The authors describe the main stages of the project’s implementation into the educational process of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University. The general scheme of the course has been fully described; the main competencies that students should demonstrate at the end of the course have been formulated. One of the project’s cycles, namely the training course, which includes theoretical and practical parts, the specifics of the course as well as the main learning outcomes have been described. It is emphasized that the participation of higher education institutions of Ukraine in the international projects helps to prepare a highly qualified and competitive specialist for an active professional life in the European democratic society. The authors conclude that the approximation of Ukrainian education to European standards, systematic popularization of European values and their implementation in the educational process allow Ukrainian higher education to overcome the barriers that arise on the path of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space.


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