


innovation technologies, inclusive educational environment, children with special educational needs, New Ukrainian school


The article is devoted to the study of case technology as an innovative technology for working with children of primary school age in an inclusive educational environment. In educational work presents the theoretical aspect and practical recommendations for using case-technologies of educational and cognitive function for children with special educational needs. An analysis of the literature was carried out, which considers of using case-technology. Scientists who research case-technology have been identified. The concept of case-technologies is considered, the advantages and disadvantages of employment are allocated. The specifics of lesson structuring in an inclusive class have been specified, taking into account the identified difficulties of students with special needs education. An overview of educational case related to the development, implementation and approvals of children with special educational needs is presented in primary school. After analyzing the feasibility of using case technologies in the work of a primary school teacher. They showed that their use can help the teacher to ensure that the lesson is rich, interesting, meaningful. It was established that use of technologies makes itpossible to change their forms of activity, helps to overcome communication barriers, build an educational process taking into account the physical and mental characteristics of the childrenʼs development, etc. Considers the organization of the educational process in an inclusive educational environment. A special place in the article is given to the analysis of case technologies in working of children with special educational needs. The author comes to the conclusion that the case-technologies is an integral part of innovation technologies. The prospects of introducing case-technology into the educational paradigm of a primary school are determined. A bibliographic list is provided.


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