preschool educational institution, educators, preschoolers, families of pupils, cooperationAbstract
The proposed publication substantiates the importance and significance of cooperation between preschool educational institutions with the families of pupils during the reformation of preschool education and serious transformations in modern society. The analysis of domestic and foreign research on this problem is carried out, attention is paid to new legislative documents (State standard of preschool education, Concept of education of toddlers and preschoolers) and emphasis is placed on solving the problem of cooperation between preschool and parents in these documents. The process of cooperation between teachers of preschool educational institutions and parents is characterized as a bilateral, cyclical and phased process. The modern tendencies of contact activity of teachers of preschool educational institutions with families are declared. The purpose of interaction between two important social institutions in the life of a child is analyzed. The content of the main stages of cooperation is disclosed, as well as the main forms and methods of work that are implemented at each stage. Emphasis is placed on the need for a dynamic and adequate parental position that would meet the needs as well as the individual and age capabilities of a child. On the example of a specific preschool educational institution, the effective forms of cooperation between teachers and the families of pupils, which have been introduced into the educational process of the preschool institution for a long time, have been demonstrated and described in detail. As an example, the thesis summary of the theatrical quiz for parents and children “Theater experts”, which was held in this preschool institution, is illustrated. Plans for the future of the teaching staff and prospects for further research on this issue have been announced.
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