infomedia literacy, media literacy, officer of the National Guard of UkraineAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems of integrating infomedia literacy into the training program for future officers of the National Guard of Ukraine. During the information and psychological challenges, this topic has become especially relevant for Ukraine. On the example of changes made to the educational space of cadets of the National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, the ways of integrating the basics of media literacy into educational programs are considered, the purpose of the course is formulated and the project of the program “Fundamentals of Media Literacy” is presented. The author of this article sees the following ways to integrate information literacy in the educational and professional training program for future officers of the National Guard of Ukraine: 1) the introduction of a separate course; 2) launching an online course or motivating applicants for higher education to take existing ones; 3) organization of the circle; 4) inclusion of separate topics / content modules / blocks of content modules in the existing disciplines in the program; 5) introduction of separate exercises which will promote development of the critical analysis of media content, in the plan of employment on disciplines of a social and humanitarian cycle. The program of the course on media literacy provides for the integration of the following main topics: 1) the role of the media in the life of modern man; 2) traditional media; 3) editorial policy; 4) social media; 5) misinformation and media manipulation. The final lesson is offered in the form of representation by cadets of final individual projects. This research offers examples of exercises and tasks aimed at studying and self-analysis of cadets’ media space, development of news literacy, acquaintance with private media and the influence of their owners on the information media space, detection of media manipulations. These exercises should be perceived only as “rules of the game”, selecting content from English, French, etc. sites on the topic of the lesson, which will be integrated into a particular exercise.
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