innovative technologies, interactive technologies, foreign language, physical therapy, information and communication technologiesAbstract
This article highlights the problems of using innovative technologies in teaching students who receive knowledge in the specialty “Physical therapy”. It aims not to simply acquire a certain level of language skills, but to fully integrate them into the student's life and expand the boundaries of his intellectual and personal search. Thus, in order to concretize the basis of this issue, a definition and a qualitative description of the terms “innovative educational technology” and “interactive learning” are given, the structure is clearly described and its components are characterized. Besides, the article notes a clear relationship between sensory physiologically grounded perception and mastering of information by a student and the type of its type, manifesting it in the form of the widest possible range of educational material – graphic materials, diagrams, tables, video, and audio tracks. The main methods of work used in the study are the analysis, classification, generalization, and systematization of scientific and theoretical material. The main purpose of learning a foreign language in higher education is to master it as a convenient means of communication and its integration as a device that allows you to expand the potential boundaries of the specialist. Most of the material in this article is devoted to the characteristics of the teacher, his role, and purpose in the modern world. One of the main tasks of the teacher as an intermediate link between the student and the information space is the preservation and constant maintenance of the level of motivation, the search for approaches for his active involvement in the process. Also, using the example of the innovative WebQuest method, you can draw up an algorithm of how classes should be held with the highest possible efficiency, that is, how to create an environment for students for the full and comprehensive development of their competencies in teaching a foreign language.
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