


educational strategies, independent work, formation of educational strategies, foreign language communicative competence, project technologies


The article presents an analysis of the problem of using educational strategies in the context of organizing effective independent work of students of non-linguistic specialties. Different approaches to the formation and use of learning strategies in the process of forming foreign language competence are considered. Taking into account the theoretical achievements of scientists and the results of their own practical experience, it is established that the formation of foreign language competence in the process of independent work is aimed at implementing personality-oriented learning strategies that create conditions for independent management of cognitive process and creative abilities. The main attention is paid to solving the problem of using educational strategies in the process of forming foreign language competence, creating a management system for independent work of students. The purpose of this article is to highlight the features of the use of educational strategies in the process of independent work of students of non-linguistic specialties. It is determined that the structure of independent work in foreign language teaching consists of motivational and executive components. It was found that the acquisition of foreign communicative competence by students is an important prerequisite for the success of their future activities as professionals who are able to improve their professional level in the process of independent activity. The article considers the theoretical foundations of the use of different learning strategies in the process of independent work of students of non-linguistic specialties. When developing competence in a foreign language, it is necessary to use problem-solving and design technologies.


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