


sports culture, education, model, component, student, activity


The article proposes a structural-logical model of sports culture of future specialists of physical education. The model of sports culture is the result of a theoretical analysis level of sportsoriented preparation of students in higher education institutions. The task of the article is to analyze the main components of sports culture and the links between them. For the decision of the marked task applied the system approach as a method of scientific research. The model of sports culture of future specialists of physical education consists of five separate components. All components of the sports culture model are interconnected. The components of the sports culture model are not just separate parts of the whole. Each component of sports culture has its own content, its function, features and "morphology". The author in detail described the content of each component of sports culture of future specialists of physical education. Analysis of the model of sports culture started with a motivational and semantic component. This component reflects motivation and value-semantic orientation of students. From the level of development of the motivational and semantic component depends self-regulation and success educational-training and competitive activities of future professionals. The last component in the structure of sports culture – it’s the performance component. This component we consider the main. Its development is possible provided participation of future specialists in sports competitions. The productive component is associated with experience (successful or unsuccessful), which is acquired by the student in the process of preparation for competitions and participation in them. The process of gaining experience involves constant accumulation knowledge, skills, abilities and improvement of sportsmanship.


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