rhetoric, instructor, speaking activity, public speaking, rhetorical trainingAbstract
This article clarifies the essence and advantages of the instructor's rhetorical training, defines the role of rhetoric in it. The rhetoric is presented as a science that studies the laws and peculiarities of effective public speaking, preparation and delivery of public speeches with the aim of achieving the desired informational, cognitive, emotional and behavioral impact of the speaker on the audience; a science that studies the regularities of oratorical activity and public communication of the instructor. Its significant role in the formation of the instructor's rhetorical personality and the preparedness of the speaker has been proven. The rhetorical training is characterized as the process of acquiring rhetorical knowledge, mastering the art of oratory and eloquence; a set of measures aimed at forming the instructor's readiness for public speaking, achieving public speaking skills. The rhetorical training advantages are defined as the formation of the instructor's readiness for public speaking, ensuring the effectiveness of his/her educational and scientific (teaching) activities, soft skills developing, productive building interaction with the audience, establishing productive pedagogical communication with students, cadets, positive pedagogical image producing, the scientific and pedagogical worker competitiveness increasing, his/ her growth as a leader in the role of a lecturer, orator (speaker) who creates the future for students/ cadets through the oratory activity. It is carried out through formal (the rhetoric course studying in the process of obtaining an education), non-formal (courses, trainings, seminars, master-classes, webinars on public speaking, speech techniques, leadership) and informal (literature reading, watching lectures, video lessons, consulting with specialists and directly public speeches) education.
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