



self-efficacy, pedagogical self-efficacy, educational self-efficacy, teacher, student of higher education, strategies for the formation of educational self-efficacy


In the modern conditions of social development, one of the main attributes of the education system should be the figure of a teacher who possesses a sufficient level of professional competence to develop the skills of self-regulation, self-support and self-control of students. The author of the article tries to prove that the formation of academic self-efficacy of students is possible only in the presence of teachers with a high level of pedagogical self-efficacy. The scientific conceptual directions of defining the essence of the phenomena "self-efficacy", "pedagogical self-efficacy" and "academic self-efficacy" are considered. Thus, self-efficacy is the ability of a person to change himself, his behavior and achieve the desired result, with the least expenditure of personal and other resources, pedagogical self-efficacy is considered as a teacher's belief that he is able to organize the pedagogical process effectively, using the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience, and the academic self-efficacy of the acquirers should be understood as an individual's confidence in his own abilities, in the ability to independently, actively and productively carry out educational and cognitive activities, while achieving personally meaningful educational results, which contributes to self-motivation, self-development and self-improvement of the individual. The following strategies have been identified that will help teachers to form the academic selfefficacy of students, namely: the teacher should teach students to set clear educational goals; the teacher should encourage students to set challenging goals; the teacher must provide honest feedback; the teacher should organize training in such a way that students learn from each other's successes and failures. Thus, the conducted research made it possible to state that the level of academic self-efficacy of students largely depends on the level of development of pedagogical self-efficacy of the teacher.


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