


older preschool age child, teacher, patriotism, local history, patriotic education.


In the article, a comprehensive analysis of developments in the area of patriotic education of older preschool children by means of local studies is carried out, in particular: the content of the main concepts of the problem is revealed; forms and methods of patriotic education are substantiated. The signs, types, functions and qualities of the gifted personality are summarized and systematized. Psychological-pedagogical approaches to the process of patriotism education in older preschool children are analyzed, and the results of scientific investigations into the state of patriotism education by means of local studies in a modern preschool education institution are presented. The content, forms and methods of work on patriotic education by means of local studies in preschool education institutions of Ukraine at the beginning of the 21st century have been researched and determined. The social conditions for solving the problem of personal self-realization, the formation of the civil position of a child of older preschool age in new socio-economic conditions are characterized. The materials of our research expand and complement the idea of the peculiarities of the use of local studies in preschool education institutions of Ukraine in the 21st century and make it possible to improve the content and methodology of patriotic education of older preschool children. Attention is focused on the fact that the integral system of formation of a conscious citizen, a patriot of one's country has not been finally formed at the current stage. Unclear formulation of tasks for familiarizing older preschool children with Ukrainian culture, their formal implementation leads to fragmented ideas of preschool education graduates about culture, customs and traditions. It has been studied that the beginning of the 21st century was marked by challenges and a large number of questions regarding the content, means of introducing patriotic education and its integration into the education system of a modern preschool education institution.


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