family, family ties, upbringing, institution of upbringing, crisis of family relations.Abstract
The content of the concept of “family” and contemporary changes in the family as an institution for raising children. It is stated that scholars put different meanings into this concept: “specific social group”, “social institution”, “spiritual union”, “small informal group”, “the greatest educator”, “vital center”, “shrine of the human spirit”, “savior of the nation” based on the analysis of Ukrainian and Polish literature are theorized in the article. The family is an institution that functions according to certain internal rules, where each member has a role. The family is transformed as a result of war, economic changes, and migration. It is argued that family ties are based on an objective (customs, religious and cultural traditions) and subjective (awareness of ties with family members and a sense of belonging to them) basis. Three types of family ties (structural and subjective ties, personal ties, and cultural ties) are highlighted. The close emotional connection between parents and children causes a child to have a constant desire to develop, to be themselves, to be open and sincere. The friendly atmosphere in the family, strengthening the ties between its members, is an indispensable environment that has a huge impact on personality development. The child learns to love his or her neighbor, compassion, obedience, respect for elders, and the ability to control oneself in different situations. The article highlights the essence of upbringing in a Ukrainian family, which consists in passing on parental experience, cultural heritage, and the formation of value orientations to children. The family lays the foundation for the education of a full-fledged citizen, awareness of universal and national values. The modern family is characterized by a crisis in family relations (negative trends in the development of fertility processes, small families, deviant behavior of children). The challenges that society poses to the family today require solving educational problems. A sense of security and support from loved ones is a necessary factor in preparing a child for independent living.
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