


teacher's competence, components of competence, language-communication competence, elements of teacher's language-communication competence.


Summary. The article is focused on the concept of teacher's competence; the content of linguistic and communicative competence is revealed, its components are outlined; the importance of the humanistic nature of interaction between participants in the educational process is emphasized. It is emphasized that an important and professionally significant component of teacher competence is the language-communication component - readiness and ability to pedagogical communication. It implies the availability of general and linguistic knowledge, communicative skills and ways of thinking, understanding of responsibility for one's actions and covers a combination of cognitive and practical skills, values, emotions and behavior during active interaction with students, parents, and colleagues. It is proved that pedagogical interaction involves a personal attitude, humanistic disposition and spiritual unity with the interlocutor. A deep understanding of another person determines the ability to cooperate in the spirit of mutual understanding, mutual acceptance and support. This unites the participants of the educational process, gives them a sense of coherence and common goals. Communication itself is a binding element, the basis of learning productivity, the effectiveness and quality of which is determined by the goals of communication, the exchange of information, in which everyone learns universal experience, social, pedagogical, communicative, moral and other values, identifies, reveals and develops their own personal qualities. It is emphasized that the components of the teacher's linguistic and communicative competence are: speech, non-verbal, listening, conflict, and organizational competence. Such a set includes the ability to: communicate clearly and correctly, accurately transmit information; express oneself correctly, expressively, aesthetically (culture of speech), communicate harmoniously; perceive and understand another person; establish contacts, and resolve conflicts. This is not only the mastery of language and speech for the exchange of information between the teacher and participants in the educational process, but also the ability to build effective interpersonal relationships and get along with them.


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