


biographical method, susceptibility to the new, biographical information of outstanding figures.


Summary. The article substantiates the expediency of using the biographical method, which is caused, firstly, by the insufficiency of experimental and test methods in relation to the study of such a deep process as susceptibility to the new; secondly, by the receptivity to the new of outstanding figures (the peculiarities of identifying its various types) has a pronounced character, there is no doubt, and ensures the representativeness of the obtained data. The following were chosen for study as those that meet the specified requirements and tasks: autobiographies by A. Duncan "My Life" and H. Ford "My Life, My Achievements", biographical works by A. Morois "Life of Alexander Fleming", D. Stolzenberg "Fritz Haber: chemist, Nobel laureate, German, Jew: biography", K. Benek "William Konrad Roentgen", W. Isaacson "Steve Jobs. Biography of the founder of Apple" (written on the basis of memories and interviews, family members, contemporaries). Based on the analysis of the biographical information of O. Fleming, V. Roentgen, A. Duncan, F. Haber, G. Ford, and S. Jobs, the main features of receptivity to the new were revealed (according to the developed classification); in particular: involuntary (unintentional) susceptibility to the new of O. Fleming; arbitrary, purposeful receptivity of the new of V. Roentgen; "free" dance by A. Duncan, based on one’s own feelings caused by music; receptiveness to the new, which was stimulated by cognitive ideas, the idea of serving the Motherland (Germany) of F. Haber; passion for invention, the desire to invent a "cart that moves by itself" and then endlessly improve it of G. Ford; predicting the wishes and needs of potential consumers, understanding the transforming influence of personal gadgets of S. Jobs; the factors that influenced the detection of susceptibility to the new in each specific case are revealed.


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