


patriotic education, patriotic education, student youth, folklore, innovative technologies, methods and means.


Summary. The article analyzes the peculiarities of the requirements for the modern Ukrainian education system in the crisis period. The tasks that teachers solve in the process of updating the content and educational areas of work with children and youth are identified. The scientific and methodological literature on the feasibility and methods of using innovative pedagogical technologies is analyzed. The authors draw attention to the humanistic orientation in the interaction of a teacher with students. The main emphasis is placed on the patriotic direction of education, because in order to preserve Ukrainian statehood, integrity and national consciousness of citizens, it is necessary to combine knowledge about the heroic past, successful present and project a decent future for Ukraine as a European state. The study focuses on the study and practical application of the best practices of foreign and domestic researchers. The methods of pedagogical influence and creation of a developmental environment in educational institutions using the experience of the innovative system – Waldorf pedagogy – are highlighted for consideration. This system has positive dynamics of implementation in Ukrainian education and offers all levels of complete general education, has programs adapted to the NUS. It is characterized by an individual approach to the personal growth of pupils and has advantages in the methodology of organizing the interaction of participants in the educational process. One of these innovations is the active use of folklore material in special classes that use project technology and immersion in practical activities. The article presents discussion points in the ways of involving girls and boys in crafts and folk crafts. The authors emphasize the importance of preserving gender equality at the stage of familiarization with folklore activities and the expediency of popularizing manual labor, decorative and applied techniques, which, in addition to sensory and aesthetic development, form cultural knowledge about the native people. The sense of patriotism as one of the main components of the consciousness of modern Ukrainians requires more attention from education, so the study presents ways of selfdevelopment of teachers who should become role models for children and youth in actively learning about the mentality of their people. The Waldorf pedagogy is presented as an innovative system used in special educational institutions, as well as one that promotes useful methods of organizing the educational process in terms of content and educational orientation. The article presents the prospect of further popularization of the ideas of Waldorf pedagogy in educational practice to meet the social needs of parents of pupils in the qualitative organization of the process of individual development of the child, taking into account the latest knowledge in psychology, pedagogy, physiology. The ways of self-development of teachers and parents in improving the means and methods of patriotic education are determined, the expediency of using innovative pedagogical technologies is argued.


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