



prevention of bad habits, preventive programs, preventive interventions, children and youth, foreign experience.


Summary. The article highlights certain aspects of the accumulated rather large experience of using various social and socio-psychological approaches to solving problems, related to the use of alcohol, drugs and smoking. The opinion that the principle of «harm reduction» prevails in the countries of Western Europe has been updated, which, in contrast to the principle of «struggle and eradication» (its unrealism has been proven), involves the development of a multi-level and multi-vector system of preventive measures. A document titled «European Drug Prevention Quality Standards» is announced. It highlights European approaches to high-quality substance abuse prevention. It is noted that «European standards» are focused on how to plan, choose and implement preventive interventions, ensuring the quality of this socio-pedagogical work. International standards in the field of drug prevention are also mentioned, which summarize the results of scientific research in the field of prevention and identified key characteristics of evidence-based interventions and policies that have been shown to reduce substance use statistics. In the tables presents the obstacles and benefits of implementing evidence-based preventive interventions. Examples of several registries that collect evidence-based interventions in the field of prevention of the use of psychoactive substances are given. It is noted that the best general method of collecting data on the use of psychoactive substances by students is considered to be surveys of students in the school environment. Examples of appropriate programs of evidence-based preventive interventions are given, such as: «Northland» project; «Cosmonaut» project; «Suspended road» project; project «Free your consciousness»; Seattle Social Development Project; Education and training of adolescents to avoid steroid use: the ATLAS program; Alcoholics Anonymous; Alateen, Al-Аnon; «Second/Third Primer, or Seven Step Program»; «Thank you, No»; «Before you try»; «Look differently»; the Home Detectives program; «Fantastic opportunities» and others.


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