penitentiary pedagogy, correction and resocialization of convicts, social and educational work with convicts, correctional colony, humanization of education in a correctional colony, cooperation pedagogueAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of humanizing the modern penitentiary system, in particular, the issue of humanizing social and educational work in correctional colonies and characterizing the directions of this activity. It is emphasized that the highest value in the modern world is the Human, and this humanistic idea should permeate all spheres of society, as well as the lives of individuals who have committed crimes. This means that the administration and staff of correctional colonies should pay attention to improving and individualizing the social and educational work with convicts. It has been proven that a humane approach to inmates involves improving living conditions and medical care, expanding their access to education, paying attention to their all-round development, and developing social skills for correction and successful reintegration. This means that correctional facility professionals and employees of partner organizations cannot resort to illegal acts, discrimination, violence, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment of convicts. Important are attitudes that involve setting specialists up for a new type of human interaction – impartiality, the search for the positive, an optimistic forecast, empathy, openness, trusting communication, support, assistance, etc. It has been emphasized that the main directions for the humanization of socio-educational work in correctional colonies should be: individualization of education, taking into account the needs and characteristics of the convict when developing an individual program for their correction; a focus on obtaining general and vocational education; counseling and psycho-emotional support, overcoming psychological trauma and stress; adherence to the pedagogy of cooperation between staff and all participants in the punitive and educational process; preparation for life in freedom, assistance in restoring social ties, finding employment, housing, etc.
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