


competence-based learning, science competence, continuity, museum pedagogy, Czech museum, museum education experience, children's museum in Bludov, children's museum in Pradedovo


The article is devoted to the study of the formation of natural science competence in the museum environment in the Czech city of Bludov, where the Pradedovo Children's Interactive Museum is located. The essence of natural science competence as such, which allows students to be able to analyze and create scientific texts in the future, is considered. Based on the analysis of theoretical provisions and their consideration by scientists, the essence of basic concepts is clarified. The relevance of the publication's topic is confirmed by surveys of students and teachers on the effectiveness of museum visits. The research data shows that the formation of natural science competence is effective in the museum environment, which is actively used in the Czech Republic. The results of the study suggest that a competence-based approach to teaching, the formation of various competences, including science competence, is possible and effective in a children's museum. To this end, the article provides recommendations for improving educational policy and educational strategy in Ukraine, active use of museum education in secondary schools of Ukraine for competence-based learning, in particular, the formation of natural science competence as a basis for acquiring new knowledge in later life. The results of the study can contribute to a better understanding by teachers and museum workers of the need to form and develop natural science competence in the natural conditions of the museum, and to work in this direction. To this end, the article provides recommendations for improving educational policy and educational strategy in Ukraine, active use of museum education in general education institutions of Ukraine for competence-based learning, in particular, the formation of natural science competence as a basis for acquiring new knowledge in later life. The results of the study can contribute to a better understanding by teachers and museum workers of the need to form and develop natural science competence in the natural conditions of the museum, and to work in this direction. This will help to design and evaluate scientific research and critically interpret scientific data and evidence; research, evaluate and use natural science information for decision-making and further action.


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Pradědovo dětské muzeum

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