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The scientific collection is a peer-reviewed professional publication, which presents scientific articles that cover and comprehend current issues of pedagogical knowledge.

The collection is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine of category B in the field of pedagogical sciences (specialty 011 "Educational, pedagogical sciences") according to the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 886 dated 02.07.2020 (Annex 4)

Articles, reviews, reports on scientific events and events that correspond to the profile of the publication are accepted for publication. Each article must be reviewed anonymously. Articles in English and Ukrainian of problematic, generalizing, review nature, which have not been published before, are accepted. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of the presented material, for the belonging of this material to him personally, for the correct citation of sources and references to them.

The editorial office receives and registers the DOI for articles.



To publish an article in Vol. 19 (51) for 2024, by September 30, 2024 inclusive, it is necessary to fill in the certificate of the author by the link and send to the editor's e-mail the the article executed according to the specified requirements.

After receiving confirmation from the editorial board that the article has been accepted for publication, details are provided for the payment of the publication fee.

Be sure to send a scanned (photographed) receipt of payment for the publication of a scientific article. The cost of the publication is 1200 UAH (up to 12 pages inclusive). Each additional page is paid separately in the amount of 50 UAH. The publication fee covers the costs associated with review, proofreading and editing of articles, layout of the collection and placement of its electronic version.
The electronic version of the journal is timely placed in public access on the publication's website.
If desired, the author of the article can order a printed copy of the magazine. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which must be paid in addition to the publication fee.

Sample design of the name of electronic files: Shevchenko_article, Shevchenko_receipt.

The electronic version of the magazine will be posted on the website until November 29, 2024.
The printed version of the journal will be sent to authors of articles who order a printed copy by December 31, 2024.


All articles are reviewed internally anonymously and checked for plagiarism.

The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company


The volume of the article is 10–20 pages (Main part). Font – Times New Roman, size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, margins – all 2 cm, paragraph – 1.25 cm. Formatting paragraphs with spaces (spaces) or tabs is not allowed. In the text it is necessary to use quotation marks only of such sample: "". Transfers are prohibited in the text. Page numbering is not conducted.

The UDC index (universal decimal classifier) ​​is placed in front of the title of the article, a separate line, in the upper left corner. The author determines the UDC index.

Information about the author (authors) is indicated in English and Ukrainian after the UDC index (command – text width alignment) with indication of surname and name, academic degree and academic title, position, place of work and its full address, e-mail of each co-author; line below – ORCID number (, Scopus-Author ID (indicated in the presence of indexed publications in Scopus), Researcher ID ( and the DOI (assigned by the editors). All information is given in the nominative case. The name of the author (authors) is highlighted in bold and italics, other information – only in italics. Available in Ukrainian and English. The ORCID number, Scopus-Author ID and Researcher ID are determined by the author.

Bibliographic description of the article: Surname, initial of the author (year of publication) Title of the article. Людинознавчі студії. Серія «Педагогіка». № edition, __ doi: ___

Before the English annotation:

To cite this article: Transliterated surname, initial of the author (year of publication). Transliterated title of the article. [Title of the article in English]. Human Studies. Series of Pedagogy, № edition, ___, doi: ___

The abstract is submitted in Ukrainian and English (at least 1,800 characters with spaces in each annotation). 

Key words – words from the text of the material, which from the point of view of information retrieval carry a meaningful load. Key words are presented in the nominative case, the total number of keywords - not less than three and not more than seven, are presented in Ukrainian and English.

The main part of the article should contain the following structural elements:

• urgency of the problem;
• analysis of recent research and publications (only a list of surnames is not allowed);
• determining the purpose and main objectives of the study;
• presentation of the main research material;
• conclusions and prospects for further exploration of this issue;
• gratitude (to those who provided assistance during the research, eg, institutions, organizations, foundations, individual employees, etc.);
• research funding;
• bibliography / References.

It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.

All names of parts (headings) must be separated by a bold font.

Links in the text

The APA style involves the use of references in the text of the work whenever you cite a source, be it a paraphrase, a quote inside a line, or a block quote. References in the text should look like this: (Khmil, 2015) or (Malivskyi & Neill, 2014; Poliuha, 2017), or in the presence of a citation (Slobodian & Yakovyna, 2016, p. 58).

Paraphrase. Do not take in quotation marks. The surname (s) of the author (s) may appear: 1) in the sentence itself, then the year of publication is indicated in parentheses after it; 2) in parentheses after the paraphrase together with the year of publication (through a comma).

У редакційно-видавничому процесі існує кілька етапів редагування (Тимошик, 2004).

За Тимошиком (2004) у редакційно-видавничому процесі існує кілька етапів редагування.

Both references indicate that the information contained in the sentence may be found in a 2004 work by Timoshik. More detailed information about the mentioned source will be contained in the list of used sources.

Quote inside the line. Take in quotation marks. Author's surname (s) may appear:

1) in the sentence itself, then after it the year of publication is indicated in parentheses, and after the quotation the page interval is indicated in parentheses.

2) in parentheses after the quotation together with the year of publication and page spacing (comma).

Вордсворт (2006) заявив, що «романтична поезія була відзначена як спонтанний перелив сильних почуттів» (с. 263).

Романтична поезія характеризується «спонтанним переливом сильних почуттів» (Вордсворт, 2006, с. 263)

Both references indicate that the information contained in the sentence is on page 263 of Wordsworth's 2006 work. More detailed information about the mentioned source can be found in the list of used sources.

Block quote (consists of more than three lines of text). Filed in the text on a new line with a paragraph indent for the entire quote, not enclosed in quotation marks. Line spacing is double. After the text of the quotation a full stop is placed and the source is indicated in parentheses.

У галузі видавничої справи поняття «редагування» перш за все використовується для позначення видів роботи, безпосередньо пов’язаних з діяльністю органів друку. Сучасне редагування належить до сфери суспільно-культурної професійної діяльності, що спрямована на аналіз і вдосконалення мовних творів під час їхньої підготовки до відтворення засобами поліграфії, або до трансляції. (Хоню, 2006, с. 45)

References to the work of several authors (editors / compilers)

An in-text link to the work of several authors depends on their number:

1) 2-5 authors. In the internal text link it is necessary to list the names of all authors (through a comma). The last author is preceded by an "&" if the authors are listed in parentheses, or the word "and" if the authors are listed in a sentence, and the year of publication and page spacing in parentheses.

(Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow, 1993) або (Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow, 1993, p. 199)

(Бойко, Гречка, & Поліщук, 2010) або (Бойко, Гречка, & Поліщук, 2010, с. 5)

Результати дослідження Бойко, Гречки, та Павлюка (2010) підтверджують ... або Бойко, Гречка та Поліщук (2010) стверджують: "Біологія – це система наук..." (с. 5).

2) 6 authors and more. The surname of the first author and the word "etc." must be indicated in the in-text link.

(Jones et al., 1998) або (Jones et al., 1998, p. 7) (Бойко та ін., 2005) або (Бойко та ін., 2005, c. 10)

Результати дослідження Величко та ін. (2014) підтверджують ... або Величко та ін. (2005) стверджують: "Біологія – це система наук..." (с. 10).

Link to work titled

If the author (editor / compiler) of a large work (for example, a book) cannot be identified, then in the in-text link after the paraphrase or quotation in place of the author it is necessary to indicate in italics two words of the title of the work.

Згідно з останніми дослідженнями українська мова займає визначене місце серед сучасних мов світу (Українська Мова, 2009).

Елкінс стверджує, що візуальні дослідження, як нова дисципліна, можуть бути "занадто легкими" (Візуальні дослідження, 2009, с. 63).


Requirements for References and List of used sources:

  • According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the scientific professional publication and international standards of scientific publications, two separate lists of used sources and literature should be submitted: 1) the first, "Literature", is formed in alphabetical order, without numbering, . Bibliographic description of the list of references is made taking into account the National standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and documentation" developed in 2015. Bibliographic link. General provisions and rules of compilation "; 2) the second, "References", necessary for the correct indexing of article references by scientometric and search engines; he duplicates the first list in Latin and cites Cyrillic sources in transliterated form and translation (author's research titles).
  • most sources should reflect the current state of research;
  • no more than 20% of self-references to each of the co-authors are allowed;
  • sources must have a DOI, the identifier of the digital object (except for retro editions), which is given by a space after the bibliographic description of the source;
  • availability of at least 3 sources in Latin (articles from foreign journals with a high index of influence not older than two to three years and basic monographs);
  • according to the requirements of influential journals indexed by SCOPUS and Web of Science, for REFERENCES it is necessary to submit a complete list of co-authors for each reference source (unlike the domestic DSTU).

Warning! You can make a bibliographic description in accordance with the APA style on the site of online automatic link formation: Citation Machine (; or otherwise. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 27, 2010 No. 55 "On streamlining the transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet into Latin" approves the official transliteration of the Ukrainian alphabet into Latin. Establishes the current rules for transliteration of surnames and names of citizens of Ukraine in Latin in foreign passports. Online transliterator –


It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.