pedagogy of partnership; community influence; new Ukrainian School; small school; school for minorities; family; community.Abstract
The article discusses the strategies of spreading pedagogy of partnership, which provides for cooperation between all participants in the educational process, the presence of a com pact approach, the integration of students’ educational and social work in order to prepare them for the future life, to educate conscious citizens with a system of value orientations, to attract young people to cooperate with society, parents, teachers and the like. The attention is focused on the fact that the European experience of introducing pedagogy of partnership in small schools includes: introducing new approaches to school management, partnership between teachers and students, solving problems of schools and society, the need to participate in volunteering, searching for grants to attract young teachers who are able to work in remote regions, the possibility of distance education. It is argued that at the present stage, the understanding of the pedagogy of partnership in European countries is somewhat modified in connection with the challenges of the modern world, in particular, with the growing number of immigrants to the Nordic countries. European countries are developing educational support programs for educational partnerships. These are programs of study and professional teamwork, where specialists in various academic disciplines cooperate to achieve a common goal – equal cooperation between family and school. It is proved that in small schools in Germany, which are fairly autonomous, the experience of partnership pedagogy is unique. An assessment of the experience of the Israel school is given. There are many public organizations for collaboration between teachers and students (Pop). Here, following the principles of pedagogy of partnerships schools and organizations are provided with: professional development; leadership training; strong professionals; valuable resources; culture heals; changing approaches to teaching practice. The authors, on the basis of the studied experience, conducted a study that included the introduction of the basic principles of partnership pedagogy into the practice of small schools. The analysis showed the need for cooperation pedagogy. It is argued that the pedagogy of partnership in the educational environment of small schools of Ukraine has a chance to exist in terms of cooperation between authorities, the public, scientists, philanthropists, school leaders, the teaching community, parents, who through mediation and fundraising will be able to open grant programs, which will help to preserve the small school and village. Attention is drawn to the fact that a small school in the conditions of partnership pedagogy has the right to development subject to the initiation of partnerships. This study underlines the fact that small schools should carry out the educational process in social cooperation by involving local authorities. Of course, in urban schools such cooperation priorities are significant.
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