



polycultural approach, professional training, multicultural society, ethnic groups, personality development


The article analyses the conceptual foundations of polycultural education from a pedagogical point of view and determines the peculiarities of polycultural education which is certainly a priority taking into consideration the fact that Ukraine is a multiethnic country. The main legislative acts that confirm the existence of the concept of “multicultural education” have been investigated. The author reflects on the use of different terminological concepts to illustrate the diversity of ideas regarding the purpose, nature and content of polycultural education and training in a multicultural world. The term “polycultural education” is understood in the same way as “multicultural education”. The proper analysis of the scientific literature has proved that there is no unequivocal opinion concerning the above-mentioned definition, and. accordingly, there is a number of synonyms determining the concept of multicultural education, in particular intercultural and cross-cultural education. The theory and practice of polycultural education is based on historical, cultural, sociolinguistic, social and pedagogical factors. Modern conditions for the society development make new incresed demands on the competitiveness of future professionals including the ability and readiness to implement the educational process on the basis of multicultural education ideas. The main principles for the development of multiculturalism in higher education institutions are highlighted, the important tasks ensuring the implementation of the multicultural education ideas for the students’ upbringing are outlined. It is noted that a prominent place in the formation of a multicultural personality of the teacher is undoubtedly the study of a foreign language, as language and culture are always in inseparable and productive interaction. Nevertheless, the development of a multicultural personality is considered as an important task in preparing the younger generation to living harmoniously in the multicultural society.


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