


thinking, logical thinking, mathematical education, methods of teaching mathematics


The article deals with a brief analysis of domestic and foreign works relating to the problem of forming the logical thinking of junior schoolchildren at the present stage. The approaches to the process of formation of logical thinking of elementary school students are analyzed and a state of forming logical thinking in modern mathematical education is briefly presented. The history of the concept of “logic” is investigated, the concept of “thinking” is theoretically substantiated, the type of thinking, which prevails in junior schoolchildren, and also states that thinking is an integral process of knowledge of the world. Aims attention to the importance of forming logical thinking in junior schoolchildren. Monitoring the activities of elementary school teachers in the process of forming the logical thinking of students. The disadvantages that do not contribute to the full mental development of educational applicants are identified, the need to build such a model of learning process, which would contribute not only to the effective assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and skills, but also mental development of students. The features of the development of logical thinking in accordance with the age characteristics of students were described, the direct influence of age features on the process of forming logical actions is found, the characteristics of some of them are indicated. Attention is drawn to the conditions of effective application of techniques in the development of logical thinking in modern mathematical education. On the basis of analyzed sources, the state of development of logical thinking in modern mathematical education is revealed, as well as the leading role of the mathematical educational industry in the educational process is determined. The accentuated attention to the fact that the thinking of schoolchildren has a very large and not fully used reserves and opportunities. But to reveal these reserves by the end, on their basis make training more efficient and creative – a complex and very important task of modern pedagogy.


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