pedagogical practice, preparation of the future teacher, monitoring of efficiency of pedagogical practicesAbstract
The authors present the importance of monitoring the state of pedagogical practice as an integral part of the system of future teacher training, as the study of factors that affect the quality of pedagogical practice provides objective information about the real situation, problems and ways to improve practical training. The authors consider the quality of organization and conduct of student practice as one of the priorities of the university, determine the types of pedagogical practice, characterize the stages of its implementation at Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. The authors analyzed the research on the problem of improving pedagogical practice. It is noted that researchers focus on intensifying the interaction between higher and secondary education institutions in the process of organizing and conducting pedagogical practice of students, exercising systematic control over the process and results, its development of integration mechanisms that ensure effective interaction of higher education with employers. The article presents the results of the study of the state of practical training of students, carried out by the Center Accreditation and Licensing of Educational Activities, Monitoring the Educational Quality at Nizhyn Mykola Gogol State University. Monitoring of the effectiveness of pedagogical practices shows us the proper level of their passage by students and provides an opportunity to outline the priority tasks as an important educational stage in the formation of a qualified teacher. The authors note that the main task is to improve the curriculum in terms of practical training and identify of the main positions that need to be changed: the content and forms of introductory practice; number of tasks and volumes and forms of reporting; guidance from university teachers.
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