


voice culture, music teacher, professional training, singing voice.


Summary. The article reveals the essence of the concept of "voice culture" of a music teacher, characterizes its components, analyzes the peculiarities of their formation and development during the professional training of students of music-pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions. The culture of mastering the teacher's voice is considered as an important element of pedagogical skill, necessary to ensure a high level of professional activity, which includes the ability to use one's own voice as an effective tool of pedagogical influence, ensuring pedagogical communication, provided that the norms and rules of its preservation are observed. The development of the professional qualities of the teacher-musician's voice is a component of his pedagogical culture, an indicator of the level of professional training. The scientific literature on the problems of the professional training of the future teacher-musician was analyzed, its specificity determined due to the peculiarities of teaching the educational discipline "Musical Art" in general secondary education institutions, its tasks, forms and methods of the teacher's work. The article states that the requirements for the formation of a teacher's vocal culture are determined by the specifics of the professional activity of a music teacher, the norms of his voice load, the need to combine the presentation of theoretical material and the illustration of excerpts of musical works, mastering the skills of using the voice in different modes of work. A number of factors that can negatively affect the quality of the teacher's voice are identified, the ways of counteracting negative factors of influence, the peculiarities of the application of restorative measures, and the development of an individually adapted voice regime are characterized. The importance of taking into account the specifics of the vocal and speech activity of a music teacher in an institution of general secondary education during the professional training of a future teacher is proven.


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